Philosophia Universia

Philosophia Universia Eine psychologische Revolution in Sozial-Konditionierten-Gehirn-zellen ist essenziell für Wahre Philosophy! Ein Quantensprung in die Universelle Philosophie, welche die absolute Freiheit und die Universale Ordnung ist! Nagendra, Philosoph und Denker, beschreibt, dass die Originale Philosophie vom lateinischen: Philo, was Liebe / Hingabe, und Sophie, was Weisheit / Wahrheit /…...

Art of Relationship: Eternal Journey

5th Full Moon Gathering. Live Talk by Nagendra. Austria 16.11.2019 Nagendra: Is there something beyond time, space and thought? I would like to share with you my last night. Actually it is not personally for me. Last night something was happening. I went to bed before twelve o’clock and lay…...


Spiritualität ist die Beziehung von allem Leben. Es ist der holistische (ganzheitliche) Versuch Leben und Tod und alle Momente der Welt zu sehen ohne den “Beobachter”. Spiritualität dreht sich nur um die Fakten. Was “IST”. – Nicht was sein “SOLLTE” oder könnte. Diese Fakten zu Beobachten, WAS ist, beendet alle…...

The art of relationships: Distortions in relationships

3rd Full Moon Gathering. Live Talk by Nagendra. Austria 2017-10-05 "Reactions Cause Distortion In Relationship" In our third full moon gathering Nagendra is going to continue exploring the art of relationship - this time he is going to talk about the distorting factors in relationship with the partner which destroy,…...

Relationship I – Beziehung I

3rd Full Moon Gathering. Live Talk by Nagendra. Austria 2017-10-05 "Reactions Cause Distortion In Relationship" In our third full moon gathering Nagendra is going to continue exploring the art of relationship - this time he is going to talk about the distorting factors in relationship with another which destroy, twist,…...